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How to do Pelvic Floor Exercise

How to do pelvic floor exercise – to strengthen those muscles within, the one behind your lady garden the hidden controller of everything.

pelvic floor exerciseIt’s more than stopping your urine, it’s more than to stop passing wind it’s a combination of breath work and lower abdominal contractions as you close and draw upwards and in. It’s an understanding that posture and emotions can play a devastating role to making them tight yet weaker as you refuse to let anything go.

It’s knowing too that your diet, your age and where you are at can help or hinder your progress – no lie, outside of babies it’s seriously as simple as that.

Now because of one man it’s called Kegels but with Kegels alone you won’t win, cos the position of the pelvis can drastically alter the connective tissue that holds it up within. It’s simply a question of balance and understanding that what lives down below is directly impacted by the pressure above which generates energy and flow.

So before you just hold on to your wee wee or think about holding that wind, remember you could be building up pressure, further damaging the structures within.

How to do pelvic floor exercise and enjoy all the rewards that they bring is to understand Jenni Russell’s Pelvic Floor Secrets, teach you how to integrate and utilise their role in absolutely everything.

What people may tell you….

They told me to hold when I go to the wee, then she told me “no it will weaken your muscles more”. that surely worries me.

My doctor says they’re tight yet they don’t feel that strong cos I laugh and I leak so I know something is wrong.

One person says imagine you don’t want to pass wind and another says breathe as you suck it all in. Do I squeeze first then lift do it all on my back? But what about lifting and carrying when the dragging is worse, how do I do it with that?

In Pilates they say pull up your floor but I don’t even know how to engage it first much more! Pull up from where and where is it going? How do I know cos there’s no marker to measure that’s showing!

If it were all that simple how come we women suffer so – why do we have so many pelvic floor secrets we want no one to know?


“Be Ready, Be Educated”

Pelvic floor health and happiness is a choice first and then an investment. Book onto our upcoming workshop or book your FREE 15minute consultation. The most valuable thing you own should be your health.