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Why a Hysterectomy may cost you more than your uterus

Your uterus is just about the most precious organ within your body as far as your sexuality, personality, health and happiness go. Just because it cannot be seen, may never have been used, or menopause has come, does not mean that it is of no use. If you truly understood the role it plays in everyday life you would never allow any doctor to talk you into having a hysterectomy unless your life seriously depended on it. And I mean life or death, not pain-free periods, endometriosis and even fibroids.

Uterus and pelvic floorWhy am I talking about this subject this week? It follows a conversation I had over the weekend that made me realise many women are still unaware of the consequences of this operation to their health and happiness. They are also unaware of the options they have regarding diet and lifestyle that allows them to keep their uterus and not the condition within or around it they may be suffering. I write this article so that you can make an informed choice and not remove one condition then create another.

There is not an organ in your body that gets the day off and your uterus is just the same. Everyday the uterus is responsible for hormone regulation (which may need addressing). It also acts as a ‘buffer’ between the bladder and the bowel, holding both in their anatomical position, whilst supporting the uppermost part of your vagina. Everything within the body attaches to something and your vagina attaches to your cervix and the bladder to the uterus. So when a hysterectomy is performed and the cervix removed, the chances of an upper vaginal wall, bladder and/or bowel prolapse may be significantly increased. In fact, the same is true even if the cervix is left in.

Hysterectomy destabilises the pelvis and spine, which impacts gait (natural walking pattern) and posture and is one of the common causes of low back pain for women who have undergone this operation. Unfortunately, women are not given any rehabilitation to strengthen their transverse abdominals, diaphragm, multifidus and pelvic floor where the muscles of the abdominal wall have been cut through and the fibres (sensory connection) interrupted. The transverse abdominals, multifidus and pelvic floor all share the same ‘fire-wire’ to the brain, so any interruption has an effect on all of them.

Uterus and pelvic floorThese muscles form a natural girdle that provides support and stability for the internal organs, thus helping to prevent them falling into the vagina, creating heaviness and/or a dragging sensation. If they are not strengthened or considered post surgery then the potential for prolapsed organs, incontinence and lack of sexual feeling or pain with intercourse may be experienced. Weight gain especially around the middle is almost always experienced too. I can tell you from client experience this pain and discomfort can actually destroy wellbeing, where it was supposed to improve health.

One of my clients had this operation much later in life and it has literally stopped her in tracks. All the volunteer massage work she was doing with charities, that afforded her two visits to meet the queen for her dedication to her work has had to stop. Making love to her husband stopped. The true cost of the hysterectomy – quality of life, movement and happiness! You can measure cost in many ways, but I can tell you the psychological and emotional costs far outweigh anything money could even pay for.

The good news is we are making great progress in ‘Reversing the Damage” that this supposedly simple operation has caused. Her goals are simple yet powerful:

  • To return to the volunteer work she was doing before helping others to be well.
  • Make love to her husband again without fear or pain

With my Pelvic Floor Secrets Programme, she can see herself achieving them both.

If you are considering this operation or have experienced any of the above, book your place at this Saturday’s workshop. Take back control and regain confidence.

Your Body IS Your Business!

“Be Ready, Be Educated”


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Pelvic floor get back control