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Reverse The Damage

Are we all keeping the same secret?

Pelvic floors. We all have one – and it’s a good job too. They hold our pelvic organs; Uterus, Vagina, Bowel and Bladder in place and, basically, stop things falling out! They’re not often spoken about, but I am going to let you in on a little secret ….as we age or due to childbirth, weight gain and even the menopause, pelvic floor muscles can become weaker and this can lead to urinary incontinence. There – I said it – we can leak, maybe not a lot at first, although it may seem like it, but certainly enough to make us feel self-conscious and aware of actions that could be embarrassing. Actions as natural as laughter, sneezing or even coughing, not to mention stopping us from enjoying the trampoline with our children or running, skipping and jumping. Weirdly, as women, we share information with our friends on all sorts of personal, intimate issues but when it comes to our pelvic floor, it seems to be one of those things that is strictly taboo – and it could be that we’re all keeping the same little secret.

The first way to reverse the damage is to reject the subliminal message that embarrassing leaks can only be maintained and not corrected.

It is estimated that 1 in 3 women suffer with weak bladder, but if so many women won’t admit to having pelvic floor issues just how accurate is that number?

How to keep your knickers dry the adult thing to do, is when you feel the urge to go to make it to the loo.

As simple as this statement sounds its very clear to see, not all of us will make it and that’s statistically.

Yet all the adverts out today tell you that leaking is ok. But you cannot take your child to nursery if they behave this way!

Drip drip drizzle and constantly having to change, is not the way God made us, we are not supposed to leak this way.

How to keep your knickers dry the adult thing to do, is seek out Jenni Russell and let her pelvic floor secrets teach you a thing or two.

I recently spoke at a wonderful event and was approached by a lady who had believed the subliminal message put out across the media. She had spent 10 lonely years too embarrassed to be intimate for fear of leaking. I thank God I am able to change her future. I can change yours too.

Stop leaking